Local Authorities in support to the
UN Binding Treaty
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Declaration on repression against MP Zitto Kawbe of Tanzania
Geneva, 14th October 2019 Parliamentarians of the Global Interparliamentarian Network for a binding Treaty on Human Rights and transnational companies gathering in Geneva we are strongly denouncing that the Government of Tanzania did not allow MP Zitto Kawbe to leave the country and come to Geneva and work together with us in favour of a […]

Global Interparliamentary network for the Binding Treaty: Side Event at the UN (Gva, 14 Oct 2019)
UN Binding Treaty: Reflections of the members of regional and national parliaments from Europe, Latin America and Asia
Monday 14th October 2018, 13.00 – 15.00
Palais des Nations Unies, Geneva (Room XXII)

EU representatives fail to listen Parliament’s mandate over UN Treaty on Business & Human Rights negotiations
Last week in Geneva, the EU’s representatives at the negotiations for a United Nations Treaty on Business and Human Rights have failed to genuinely support the development of the treaty, including failing to even show up to one of the sessions.

At a glance: 4th Annual meeting
The UN Human Rights Council’s working group in charge of developing a Binding Treaty on Human Rights and business gathered in its 4th annual session between the 15th and 19th October 2018 in Geneva.