Local Authorities in support to the
UN Binding Treaty
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UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn committed with binding treaty process
We must end impunity for corporations that violate human rights or wreck our environment. The next Labour government will work to create a legally binding treaty to regulate global corporations, their subsidiaries and suppliers under international human rights law. — Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) 8 de diciembre de 2017 I make the commitment to you […]

Follow-up on the 3rd session of the UN Binding Treaty’s Working Group
The third session of the Open Ended Inter-governmental Working Group for the elaboration of a legally binding treaty on TNCs and other business enterprises with respect to human rights took place between the 23rd and 27th of October. We would like to welcome the historic step forward that the constructive discussions held during the Working […]

World Parliamentary Forum with high-level speakers will focus on Binding Treaty
Next Sunday Geneva will hold the World Parliamentary Forum on support of the Binding Treaty, organized by GUE/NGL political group of the European Parliament and the Global Campaign to dismantle Corporate Power, in collaboration with a wide range of worldwide parliamentarians and civil society organizations. The Forum will constitute an occasion to discuss the state […]