Local Authorities in support to the
UN Binding Treaty
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GIN member, MEP Helmut Sholz (The Left) addresses the European Parliament
– Here some excerpts of the speech – (adapted) What do a car, a t-shirt, a computer, and a banana have in common? Well, all of them are likely to show traces of forced labour. Human suffering is hidden in the opacity of the global supply chains. Worldwide, 25 million people are forced to produce […]

GIN Parliamentarians propose framework legislation on human rights and corporations in Brazil
On Tuesday, March 29th, at 16h30 in Brasília, GIN parliamentarians, together with social movements, launched law project for a framework legislation on human rights and corporations in a press conference at the Brazilian Parliament. The bill establishes public policies to guarantee the fulfillment of human rights for people affected by the operation of companies. GIN […]

MP Lilián Galán addresses the 49th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
For the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council, on March 16th, 2022, the Uruguayan MP Lilian Galán, member of the Global Interparliamentary Network (GIN), has presented a statement on behalf of the Transnational Institute. As a member of the Global South, Lilian reminded us of the efforts of corporations and some Northern states […]

The Right to the City and the UN Binding Treaty
VIRTUAL SIDE-EVENT At the occasion of the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council The Right to the City and the UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights Wednesday 23rd June 2021 1.30 – 3.00 pm (CEST) PANEL Eric Piolle, Mayor of Grenoble, France Amanda Flety, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) […]

Why do we need a Treaty?
Download “Cities for Human Rights” (3 pages) See here and endorse the Call by Local Authorities worldwide to support the UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights Versión en castellano Version française Versão em português More information Today, there is no binding international legal framework to establish the liability of transnational corporations […]